Our team

Presentation of Blast Solutions & Associates

Blast Solutions & Associates is a consulting and engineering company created in 2019 by Alexandre Prunier (with a civil engineering background) and Patrick Martin (with a military engineering background), specializing in the protection of sensitive infrastructures.

BS&A's vocation is to study the development of technologies, design and dimension protection solutions and support the safety and security of sensitive installations and systems.

BS&A's pioneering culture is based on the profiles of experts and engineers from a variety of backgrounds and specialties in the fields of mechanics and detonics. BS&A staff each possess complementary expertise and are committed to understanding our customers' needs and developing effective solutions.

Since its creation, BS&A has been developing this global approach to risk management, adapting rapidly to the demands of our customers. This strategy is based in particular on the development of simplified and rapid tools, advanced numerical modeling, the implementation of innovative pyrotechnical tests and the exploitation of vast libraries and feedback.

BS&A is independent and 100% employee-owned. We are looking for new experts in the field to participate in the development of the company.

Our Values

Eager to respond to our vocation and current challenges, we have defined four strong values for the innovative engineering we offer.



Alexandre PRUNIER

Engineering & expert

Alexandre Prunier is a trained general engineer specializing in civil engineering. After working as a blast engineer for a number of vital operators in France and abroad, he co-founded BS&A to develop the Blast & Impact engineering sector for public and private players.

Patrick MARTIN

Technical development & expert

Patrick Martin is a former colonel of the Military Engineers in the Fortifications and Works Service (ex-CETID) and was head of the explosives laboratory. Patrick Martin has more than 35 years of experience in the field of site protection from the effects of weapons and explosives. Since then, he has developed his "blast & impact engineering" expertise and co-founded BS&A in 2019.


Numerical simulation & expert

Guillaume Schweitzer is a trained engineer in mechanics of materials and structures. He works on our state-of-the-art numerical simulation studies, manages R&D projects and experimental pyrotechnic testing and the development of numerical tools.

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